George Boufounos, ÉA, AACI began his career in real estate in 1985 with Toron Realties Inc. as a commercial realtor for five years of dedicated service. During the same time, he pursued university studies and graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Concordia University in 1988.

Real estate know-how from a different perspective was gained when he was recruited as a commercial mortgage originator/underwriter by the Wellington Trust Company of Canada. At this time, an astute appraisal expertise began to develop. After further studies at McGill University, he was formally designated by L’Ordre des Évaluateurs Agréés du Québec (ÉA) in 1993 and by the Appraisal Institute of Canada as an Accredited Appraiser of the Canadian Institute (AACI) in 1994.

In 1995, Mr. Boufounos joined BDB Chartered Appraisers as an associate and subsequent partner of the appraisal firm. From years of exposure as a full-narrative appraiser, he gathered leadership skills by directing articling appraisers and handling the day-to-day management functions of the appraisal firm.

As of May 2008, BDB Chartered Appraisers evolved into ABMS Chartered Appraisers where George Boufounos is now the sole owner leading a team of highly specialized real estate appraisers.